
Kitchen Sink Gucamole for Instant Gratification

I lika a lotta Lime Cheesecake

BLT - Zombie Style

Chicken Curry Salad Sandwich

Honey Pass by the Mustard Sauce

Ultimate Grilled Cheese

Easy Sparkly Sangria

Hummus with a Lime Twist

Cream of Asparagus

The Photo collection

Chicken Schnitzel for One.

Cauliflower Mash, Looks like Potatoes, Tastes like Zombies couldn't pull it off

Using Up Leftovers - Ham

A Zombie's Greek Salad

Using up Leftovers - Easter Eggs

The North African Egg Salad Sandwich

Using up leftover easter eggs: zombie style deviled eggs

Ice Cream Float Zombies Worship

Top Tips for Grocery Shopping Like a Cheap Ass Zombie

Zombie Style Rice Krispy Easter Eggs - Kid Friendly and No Dyes on grout, hands, countertops, floor, sink, sponges, mop, kids, husband, cat...

Zombles love a Wordles

Zombie Monkey's Bread Pudding - A two part dessert for the social zombie

Pavlova meets Zombies

TV Zombies... What to eat while watching... Seinfield.

If Popeye was a Zombie Pasta

Zombie Style Asparagus - Simple and Easy

The Modern Chopped Salad - No Zombie Babies Will not eat this salad, but you'll love it