I spent the morning at the contact lens center, 4 hours later and I'm definitely experiencing cloudy vision. Sigh, I've been trying to deal with the vision for 7 months now, that's a very long time. Very very long. Wednesdays are always big cooking nights for me, it's one night a week I have guaranteed time on my own. All that pretty food will have to wait though, haven't had the chance to take a look at the photos yet, meanwhile just to prove that I really am from California, and that we really are obsessed with avocado take a look at my sandwich from the other day.
yes, that really is an avocado and cream cheese sandwich, I swear I was all out of lettuce, cucumber, tomato, red onion, you name it I was out of it, it was the day before my farm box arrives, the next day it was out of control with all the veg. Plus I all the beets, fava beans, and carrots I got on top from that from D who's uncle has a farm in Oxnard. It's crazy.
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