What it's Wednesday already?

I am completely allergic to cherries, in their raw form (cooked is fine) the thing is I forget, I know, who forgets what they're allergic to? Every few years I have one, within seconds I regret it. The memory of which lasts usually a couple years and then I forget again. So last week, while telling the farm box people what I want, I completely forgot and ordered some. Now they're sitting there, all pretty and tempting, and with pits so cooking them will mean slicing easch little guy open.

I am officially on my last box of 2+1 coffee. I love this stuff, it's the perfect mix of sugar and milk with coffee, all I have to do is boil water, which means not working the coffee machine AND not depending on milk be in the fridge. normally I buy the Japanese version, but the last time I attempted to buy a supply online all that was available was another, not as nice looking package, they're both Nescafe, so I figured how different could they be, they were both Asian products. Come to find out, very different, this is a chinese product, the coffee is stronger and the sugar less, I've been watering down the coffee for months now, and just when I thought it would never end. Last box, (unless there's one hiding at the kitchenette at Predator)

Last week we set out to get Predator Cycling (where I work a couple days a week) to get over 2000 fans on facebook, If you like road bikes, it really is an amazing, local made product, I wouldn't work there if it wasn't. ;) We were at 1865, I thought it would be months, months, but we're already at 1956.

I've been trying to get some fiction writing in, I have ideas, am working out a structure, I know the beginning and the ending, the middle is killing me, I just need one great idea that flips one set of characters entire universe, and I'm stuck. I try to get my brain focusing on it while I sleep, and I even woke up this morning with an idea, but by the time I walking to the car, dismissed it as terrible, and trite. Now I remember why I don't do this anymore.

Anyone have any ideas on what to do with mashed eggplant? I was hoping the French do something lovely with it, but so far the search has no results.

 I cannot believe that The Avengers is for sale already, I swear I just saw that? Isn't a little too soon? Though could be a Father's Day thing.
