The Improved Egg Salad Sandwich

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Happy Spring!

I was in Wales in October, and while for the most part had pretty good food, there was this one egg salad sandwich in Cardiff that was absolutely not my thing. No texture, bland, and way too much mayo, completely disappointing, now having said that I have had many a similar sandwich in delis in the US, and the solution is absolutely not the tuna salad route of celery, after all the gentle nature of eggs can't take that much crunch, so the solution below is alfalfa sprouts.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Even though I didn't want the crunch of celery, the flavor helped brighten it up in the form of celery salt. I also prefer to use mustard powder to avoid the extra vinegar, there already is a little acid in mayo, and I don't want it taking over.


2 hard-boiled eggs
1/4 cup mayo
1/2 tsp mustard powder
1/2 tsp celery salt
1/2 tsp white pepper
dash of fresh black pepper

Handful of alfalfa sports

Lightly toasted bread

A little extra mayo for spreading

Peel eggs

boiled eggs

Chop eggs

chopped eggs

Add mayo and seasoning

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Mix gently not to break up all the yolk.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Add sprouts.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Mix in.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Spread a little mayo on slightly toasted bread.

Top with egg salad.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts

Top with second slice of bread.

Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts


Improved Egg Salad Sandwich with sprouts
